Tkira Caldwell


Tkira Caldwell's Trip Planner

Apr 6, 2024 to Apr 7, 2024

Available Packages

Single or Small Group $25 total for research fee
Available until January 2, 2026

Deposit: $25.00 per person

This travel fee refers to the cost associated with transportation, lodging, excursions, and other expenses incurred while traveling. This fee is for clients consisting of solo travel, couples travel, or small groups of up to 5 people. Your total price for your trip will vary depending on factors such as the destination, mode of transportation, length of stay, and type of accommodation you are inquiring about.

Additionally, if your quote requires additional information and revisions you will be contacted with questions via the same email submitted. Please also remember that this fee covers this quote and 2 modifications. If you request more than the changes, additional fees may apply.


Group Booking Travel
Unavailable as of January 1, 2025

Deposit: $25.00 per person

This travel fee refers to the cost associated with transportation, lodging, excursions, and other expenses incurred while traveling. This fee is for clients consisting of 6 or more travelers. Your total price for your trip will vary depending on factors such as the destination, mode of transportation, length of stay, and type of accommodation you are inquiring about.

Additionally, if your quote requires additional information and revisions you will be contacted with questions via the same email submitted. Please also remember that this fee covers this quote and 2 modifications. If you request more than the changes, additional fees may apply.

Returning Client
Unavailable as of January 1, 2025

Deposit: $15.00 per person

This is for the clients, who have booked a group trip with Kruise'N with Kie before. These clients have already experienced the excellent service provided by Kierra and have chosen to come back for more. As a token of my appreciation for your loyalty and business enjoy your next booking at a discounted rate.

Extra Options

Unavailable as of January 31, 2025


Book an exclusive vacation in the Caribbean all inclusive hotel for the January promo and save $125 on each booking until Jan 31st