Solo Insider (Single Occupancy)

Convenience fee


Due now

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Available until March 16, 2025

Deposit: $300.00 per person

Nightlife type who prefers to catch Z’s without the morning sun peeking through the blinds? Then this window-free cabin will be perfect. Add in all the amenities of other cabins, just subtract the pesky glare.

Available until March 16, 2025

Deposit: $300.00 per person

Nightlife type who prefers to catch Z’s without the morning sun peeking through the blinds? Then this window-free cabin will be perfect. Add in all the amenities of other cabins, just subtract the pesky glare.

Available until March 16, 2025

Deposit: $300.00 per person

Designed with a Sailor’s many moods in mind, our cabins are revolutionizing ship design to create a personal retreat complete with modern aesthetics, yacht-like sensibilities and functional living space. The ultimate go-to for relaxation and rejuvenation, our cabins stand out for the flexible furnishings, upgraded bathrooms with Roomy Rainshowers and sensory mood lighting, creating comfy quarters that are way more than just a place to crash.

Available until March 16, 2025

Deposit: $300.00 per person

Designed with a Sailor’s many moods in mind, our cabins are revolutionizing ship design to create a personal retreat complete with modern aesthetics, yacht-like sensibilities and functional living space. The ultimate go-to for relaxation and rejuvenation, our cabins stand out for the flexible furnishings, upgraded bathrooms with Roomy Rainshowers and sensory mood lighting, creating comfy quarters that are way more than just a place to crash.

Available until March 16, 2025

Deposit: $300.00 per person

With a view of the European king bed from the indoor Peek-a-Boo shower through a dichroic glass window, the only sensual rival is the ocean itself. Sailors can crank up the tunes from the record player, serve up drinks from the fully stocked in-room bar, then take the party to the terrace to enjoy more stunning sea views while relaxing around the Champagne table.

Available until March 16, 2025

Deposit: $300.00 per person

With a view of the European king bed from the indoor Peek-a-Boo shower through a dichroic glass window, the only sensual rival is the ocean itself. Sailors can crank up the tunes from the record player, serve up drinks from the fully stocked in-room bar, then take the party to the terrace to enjoy more stunning sea views while relaxing around the Champagne table.

Enter traveler information

Your Agreement with Harrison’s Travels, LLC


By clicking “I Agree” on our booking page as part of the booking process, you hereby agree to the following terms and conditions, on behalf of yourself and all members of your traveling party. These terms and conditions form an agreement between you and Harrison’s Travel, LLC 533 Main Street, Blackville, SC 29817 (“Harrison’s  Travel,” “we” or “us”).



Our payments are processed via Travel Joy. By proceeding with this booking, you agree that you accept the processing fee and convenience fee that is associated with the payment.      


Revisions, and Refunds

All payments to Harrison’s Travels are non-refundable and non-transferable NO EXCEPTION. 



Most suppliers we work with impose a cancellation fee.  Please consider this when choosing your roommate.  The cancellation fee typically starts at $300 per person.  For example, if you book a trip for $1,500 and your roommate cancels, a fee will have to be paid in order to remove the roommate from the reservation.  If the roommate refuses to pay the fee then you will be responsible for the cancellation fee and it will then be added to your invoice.


With air included packages, you cannot simply change from one person to the next.  There are fees assessed based on when the change is made.  



Required Identification

Photo identification is required for all travel. If you are traveling internationally, a passport is REQUIRED to travel.  You cannot use a Passport Card to fly internationally.  You are required to make reservations in the full name that is listed on your government document you will use for travel.  If you need to make any changes to a name after reservation has been made, or after travel documents have been issued, guests will be responsible for all name change fees.



  • Please be sure that you have read our full Terms & Conditions.

  • Making reservations for this package signifies your acceptance of our Terms and Conditions.

  • Due to strict contractual obligations, any and all payments are NON-REFUNDABLE and NON-TRANSFERABLE!

  • Travel insurance is not included in this package, however we highly recommend it. It can be added to your package for an additional fee.  

  • If you are booking into a group trip,  monthly payments are MANDATORY in order to maintain your reservation.

  • Payments not received by close of business on your monthly due date will incur an automatic $25 late fee.

  • Harrison's Travels reservation change fee is $50.  This is in addition to the supplier change fee.  In order to make the change the $50 must be paid to Harrison's Travels first. 
  • Payments more than 30 days past due could result the cancellation of your reservation and all monies being forfeited.

  • Any reservations not paid in full by the final payment day will will be cancelled and all monies forfeited.




Harrison’s Travels, LLC

Blackville, SC

Phone: 803-282-8223 or 803-897-8011
Owner: Shawnta Harrison

© 2021 Harrison’s Travels, LLC – last update April 25, 2024

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How would you like to pay?

Payment Type

Your bank info will be collected on the next page.

Payment schedule

Deposit of $0.00 due on October 18, 2024
Monthly Payment #1 of $336.06 due on November 16, 2024
Monthly Payment #2 of $336.06 due on December 16, 2024
Monthly Payment #3 of $336.06 due on January 16, 2025
Monthly Payment #4 of $336.06 due on February 16, 2025
Final Payment of $336.06 due on March 16, 2025


Save time and turn on auto-pay?


Note: By paying, you agree to the following Terms & Conditions




A parent/guardian must sign for Minors (under 18 years of age).

In consideration of the travel services provided by Harrison’s Travels, LLC ("Harrison’s Travels"), including, but not limited to, arranging air, sea or land transportation, lodging and any pre-packaged, group or customized individual tours), I, __________ an adult traveler or parent or legal guardian of a traveler under the age of 18 (Minor), acknowledge and agree to the following terms and conditions to the maximum extent permitted by law on my own behalf and on behalf of any Minor for whom I am signing.


I acknowledge and understand that Harrison’s Travels is acting as a mere agent for the supplier of travel services and conveyances advertised and/or sold by Harrison’s Travels. Any and all suppliers of services and conveyances advertised and/or sold by Harrison’s Travels are third party vendors and Harrison’s Travels retains no ownership interest, management, or control of those third party vendors.  I have been advised that the suppliers whose names appear in my itinerary and travel documents, including, but not limited to the airlines, rail and land transportation companies, hotels and other lodging providers, cruise lines rental car companies, tour operators, are those who are actually responsible for providing the travel services I have purchased. I consent to and request the use of those suppliers and agree not to hold Harrison’s Travels responsible should any of these suppliers: 1) fail to provide the travel services I have purchased; 2) fail to comply with any applicable law; or 3) engage in any negligent act or omission that causes me any sort of injury, damage, delay or inconvenience.  To the fullest extent permitted by law, Harrison’s Travels does not assume liability for any injury, damage, death, loss, accident or delay due to an act or omission of any third parties (including third party vendors), governmental authority, or acts attributable to myself, including, without limitation, negligent or reckless acts.


I acknowledge that I am voluntarily engaging in travel activities with knowledge that they involve numerous risks and dangers including, but not limited to, the following: negligence by Harrison’s Travels in making travel arrangements in any respect from inception to completion; emotional trauma; disfigurement, temporary or permanent disability, including paralysis; death; forces of nature; civil unrest and war; terrorism; roads, trails, hotels and means of transportation which are not operated or maintained at standards common in the United States; the hazards of traveling in remote, unsafe or politically unstable areas or under unsafe conditions; accident or illness without access to means of rapid evacuation or availability of medical supplies; the adequacy of medical attention once provided; transportation failures; equipment failures, social or labor unrest; stolen, lost or misplaced luggage or property; crime; diseases; epidemics; bites or stings from insects or pests; local laws; climactic conditions; abnormal conditions or developments; negligence by third-party service providers; financial default of any third-party suppliers; and any actions, omissions or conditions outside of Harrison’s Travels’ control not mentioned herein.


I acknowledge that these are some, but not all, of the inherent and acquired risks associated with engaging in travel and tour activities. A complete listing of inherent and acquired risks is not possible. I expressly agree to be responsible for my own welfare and fully assume all of the above risks, as well as all other risks set forth in this agreement, both known and unknown, voluntarily and knowingly, to the fullest extent permitted by law. If signed on behalf of the Minor, I have discussed the travel risks with the Minor, and he or she wishes to engage in travel nevertheless.


Harrison’s Travels strongly recommends purchasing trip cancellation and travel accident insurance. However, no representation or description of the insurance made by Harrison’s Travels constitutes a binding assurance or promise about the insurance.



Harrison’s Travels has no special knowledge concerning unsafe conditions, political unrest, dangers to health, weather hazards, natural disasters, climate extremes in the destinations I may travel or the financial condition of the Suppliers.  To obtain information on unsafe country conditions, we advise contacting the Travel Warnings Section of the U.S. State Department at (202) 647-5225 or visit their website at Harrison’s Travels highly recommends registering with the State Department's Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) to receive travel alerts and warnings that may issue in the future. STEP enrollment enables the local U.S. consulate to better assist American citizens traveling overseas in case a personal emergency arises during overseas travel. To obtain health and medical information related to travel destinations, we advise contacting the Centers for Disease Control at (877) FYI-TRIP or visit their website at  I assume full and complete responsibility for checking and verifying any and all passport, visa, vaccination, or other entry requirements of my destination(s), and all conditions regarding health, safety, security, political stability, and labor or civil unrest at such destination(s). 


To the fullest extent permitted by law, and excepting only such claims which arise directly from Harrison’s Travels' gross negligence or willful misconduct, I, an adult traveler, or as parent or legal guardian of the Minor, on behalf of myself, the Minor, my heirs, legal and personal representatives, next of kin, including my spouse, successors and assigns (individually and collectively, “Releasors”), expressly RELEASE, WAIVE, FOREVER DISCHARGE, HOLD HARMLESS AND COVENANT NOT TO SUE Harrison’s Travels, its owners, shareholders, officers, employees, directors, representatives, volunteers, successors and assigns (individually and together, “Released Parties”) from and against any and all liability, claims, causes of action, demands, costs, damages, losses or suits of which I or the Minor now have or may later have against the Released Parties arising out of or relating to the travel services arranged through or provided by Harrison’s Travels; it being agreed and understood that the Releasors' release of the Released Parties shall include liability arising from or related to the Released Parties' acts and omissions of ordinary but not gross negligence.

I AGREE THAT THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT SHALL SERVE AS A RELEASE AND EXPRESS ASSUMPTION OF RISK for:  myself, any Minor traveling with me and on whose behalf I am signing this Agreement,  my  heirs, next of kin, successors, assigns, and legal and personal representatives. To the maximum extent permitted by law, it is my intention to FULLY ASSUME ALL RISK, HAZARDS AND DANGERS associated with this trip and to RELEASE, DISCHARGE AND HOLD THE RELEASED PARTIES HARMLESS from any and all present and future claims, complaints, demands, actions, suits and liabilities.


This Agreement will be interpreted according to the laws of the State of South Carolina in the United States. I agree to make good faith attempts to resolve any disputes that may arise from this agreement first through various forms of alternative dispute resolution, including, but not limited to, amicable negotiations, mediation, or arbitration in the State of South Carolina. If the good faith efforts of alternative resolution fail, jurisdiction over any dispute arising out of, in connection with, or relating to this Agreement and/or the transactions and relationships among the parties contemplated by this Agreement shall be filed exclusively in federal or state court in Barnwell County, South Carolina. I agree to personal jurisdiction in the specified forum. In the event any action or proceeding is initiated by me in a court outside of Barnwell County, South Carolina, I agree to pay Harrison’s Travels' costs and reasonable attorney fees associated with defending such action or proceeding.  If any portion of this agreement is determined by a court to be null and void, the remaining portions of this agreement shall nevertheless remain valid and binding upon the parties. I also agree that this Agreement is intended to be as broad and inclusive as permitted under applicable law.


By signing this RELEASE AND WAIVER OF LIABILITY, ASSUMPTION OF RISK AND INDEMNITY AGREEMENT, I certify that I have read this agreement, fully understand its terms, understand that I have given up substantial rights by signing it, and voluntarily agree to be bound by its terms. I understand and acknowledge that if I (or the Minor) is hurt or is damaged during travel, I may be found by a court of law to have waived my right to maintain a lawsuit against Harrison’s Travels on the basis of any claim from which I have released them herein. I further acknowledge that I have had an opportunity to ask any and all questions that I may have, and that Harrison’s Travels has answered all questions to my satisfaction. I further agree that if, in the determination of a court, this Agreement is found to be invalid, unenforceable, or non-binding on the Minor, I will INDEMNIFY AND HOLD HARRISON’S TRAVELS HARMLESS from and against any action, suit, claim, loss,  liability or damages asserted against Harrison’s Travels,  whether initiated by the Minor in his or her own right or by the Minor's other parent, guardian or personal representative.

By signing below, I also acknowledge that I have carefully read and fully understand and agree to the contents and legal consequences of Harrison’s Travels’ Booking Terms and Conditions. My signature applies to all pages of this document.

If Traveler is a Minor under 18, a Parent or Guardian’s signature is required

By signing below, I represent and warrant that I am the parent or legal guardian of the Minor and have the full authority to bind the Minor to this agreement, that I am 18 years or older, and that all information that I have submitted with this agreement is truthful and accurate. I agree that I am signing on behalf of myself and my spouse, partner, co-guardian, or any other person who claims the participant as a Minor or is a guardian of the Minor (referred to both individually and collectively as “Parent”) and that I have the Parent’s authority to do so. I agree that this agreement is made on the Minor’s behalf and that all releases, waivers and promises made herein are binding on the Minor, me and any other Parent on whose behalf I am signing.  My signature applies to all pages of this agreement.

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