Once full payment is received no later than the Final Payment Due date, all travel documents, finalized itineraries, and travel instructions will be sent via email (or physical address if requested) 30 days or earlier prior to travel.
We suggest and recommend all attendees should arrive to Montego Bay, Jamaica on October 25, 2023 before 3 pm.
You MUST purchase your flight to Jamaica before October 1, 2023. Flights can be arranged with Bellavue Travel Agency upon request.
Once you purchase your flight, email your flight information (arrival and departure) to contact@bellavuetravel.com so we can coordinate and/or ensure a shuttle is ready to transfer you to the resort.
If booking with roommates and you would like to pay separately, please book as a single occupant and then email Bellavue Travel your roommate's full name so that invoices can be corrected and linked.
Higher Room Category is available upon request for an additional rate based on availability.
Prices are subject to change without notice. Please make your deposits today to guarantee low rates.