How to get total price?
1. Select the Blue (Book Now Button) under the desired room package.
2. Select the number of travelers occupying the room from the drop down menu.
3. Select the desired category to get the exact pricing based on your needs.
4. Scroll to the bottom to add any additional extra options desired.
5. Select continue to traveler info.
How is pricing broken down?
Pricing is based on the total price of the room divided by number of persons occupying the room.
I am a VIFP Member will I still get my discounts?
Yes, after payment is authorized we will confirm you are receiving the lowest rate possible before charging your card.
Can my Initial Deposit be split up?
We ask that the initial deposit is paid with one card to make the booking process easier. Future payments can be done with multiple cards.
Do I have to follow the Suggested payment schedule?
No payment schedule is a suggestion to help keep you on track. As long as your balance is paid in full by the final payment due date.
How do I make payments?
Each month you will receive an invoice you can make a payment of any amount from there. You can also access the invoice from the initial receipt.
What happens if I cancel?
Cancellations prior to final payment date receive FCC for deposit less $50pp fee.
Terminal V
718 N Cruise Blvd
Miami, FL 33132
According to PortMiami, long-term cruise parking is $22 per night, while the daily rate is $8 for short-term parking. There is no reserved parking. PortMiami parking accepts cash, Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, or any major U.S. Traveler’s Check. No debit card transactions are accepted. Garage J is pre-paid only, so you have to pay when you get to Garage J and are given a decal to post inside your vehicle for the duration of the cruise.
For all other parking, you pay as you leave. On cruise days, all garages and lots have a parking attendant from 6 AM to 5 PM. To access parking garages and Lot #2 on non-cruise days, please contact PortMiami Cruise Operations or Port Security at 305-347-4800. Security patrols all facilities. The closest garage to Terminal V is Garage G.
At this time, you will pick up your welcome kit at the port, complete with luggage tags and The Band - your sleek wearable technology made from recycled ocean plastic that will unlock voyage adventures around the ship.
We recommend booking a flight into the local airport (i.e. MIA or BCN) with an arrival time no later than 2pm.