Tiffany Jesudian

Travel Footloose

Journey Through The Land Of The Bible

Sep 11, 2024 to Sep 24, 2024
Egypt, Jordan, Israel

Your Itinerary:

September 11, 2024 through September 24, 2024
Your Hosts:   Chaplain Robert & Dyan Cote
Day 1 - September 11, 2024
Leave the USA for Cairo, Egypt.  Overnight flight.
Day 2 - September 12, 2024
You arrive in Cairo!  You will be whisked off to your hotel to  rest and relax. Dinner at your hotel. Overnight in Cairo.
The bustling, sprawling metropolis of Cairo was founded in 969AD on the banks of the River Nile (Credit: Anton Aleksenko)
Day 3 - September 13 , 2024
Pyramids/ Solar Boat/ Egyptian Museum/ Old & New Cairo/ Coptic Cairo / Bazaar
Have a hearty breakfast at your hotel. Off we go to one of the Seven Wonders of the ancient world, the three Pyramids of Giza. The oldest and the largest of the three is the Cheops Pyramid built in the 3rd dynasty about 2690 B. C. Next is the Pyramid of Chefren and visit the majestic Great Sphinx which is the largest single block sculpture located at the foot of the grand Pyramid Chefren. Photo op time - you will have the opportunity to ride a camel and get your picture taken with the Pyramids in the background.  Off we go to see the solar boat of ancient Egypt. These were used in religious rituals during Pharaonic times. Most likely these boats were used in the funeral rituals of the King and maybe some of his family members. Continue to visit the famous Egyptian Museum, the largest museum in the world dedicated to one civilization and loaded with Egyptian artifacts including King Tutankhamun's golden mask!  You can absorb a brief but colorful insight into the five thousand years of history of Egypt's fascinating land.   Then we visit old Cairo and the city's cultural landmarks that span three millennium of the Egyptian history. We begin with the Coptic Church, where you will visit the Hanging Church dating to the late 4th and early 5th century. This basilica was named "Al-Mu'allaqah" because it was built atop the south gate of the Babylon fortress. Continue to the Church of St. Sergius, a 5th century Coptic Church. This basilica is built on the cave in which the Holy Family stayed and is regarded by visitors as a source of blessing. Next, we'll explore the spices and silks in the medieval bazaar of the Khan el-Khalili, one of the biggest bazaars in the Middle East and North Africa's most famous bazaar.  Return to your hotel in Cairo for a nice dinner and an overnight.
Explore Egypt's Great Pyramid With This New Virtual Tour | Apartment Therapy
Day 4 - September 14, 2024
Sinai Desert / Moreh by the Red Sea / Elim / Rephidim / Land of Goshen / Mount Sinai
After breakfast, we depart by private air conditioned coach to Saint Catherine via the tunnel underneath the Suez Cannel to the west branch of the Red Sea, following what is thought to be the route of the Biblical Exodus (Genesis 16-18). Our drive through the Sinai Peninsula and the biblical Land of Goshen to the Mount Sinai area (233 miles) takes about 6 hours. Marah by the Red Sea is where the desert springs along the shore of the Red Sea where the children of Israel found the water bitter (Exodus 15:22-23). Continue to Alim visit the desert oasis continue to Wadi Feiran (Rephidim), the desert valley where the children of Israel fought against Amalekites. Then to Mount Serbal, the possible site where Moses held his arms up for victory. We continue inland heading towards the granite mountain of Mount Sinai and Wadi El Raha where according to traditions is the area where the Israelites camped and the golden calf was forged (Exodus 32). We will arrive at the hotel near Mt. Sinai and St Catherine’s Monastery.  Dinner at your hotel. Overnight in hotel near Mt. Sinai.
Day 5 - September 15, 2024
Mount Sinai to the Red Sea / Mountains of Edom / St. Catherine Monastery / Araveba Border /Eilat (Israel) Cross to Jordan - Petra Overnight 
At daybreak, those who desire and are physically capable, will climb-up Mount Sinai Jabal Musa (6,900 ft).  Climb to the summit (750 steps) walking in the footsteps of Moses. Enjoy a time of praise and worship with incredible views of the Sinai wilderness as we read in the Book of Genesis that this is where God gave Moses the Ten Commandments. After descending the mountain, we return to the hotel to rejoin the rest of the group for breakfast at the hotel. We head off to tour the Saint Catherine Monastery at the foot of Mt. Sinai. It was built in 527 to 565 AC by the Roman Emperor Justinian and is the oldest continuously used church building in the world.  Today we hop in our motor coach and drive to the Taba border and cross into Israel. Once you are in Israel you will head to the Arava border to and cross into Jordan and spend the night in Petra! Dinner at our hotel. Overnight in Petra.
Hiker on Mount Sinai Summit
Day 6 - September 16, 2024
Full Day Visit to the Nabatean City of Petra / Amman
Today is full of adventure! After breakfast at our hotel, we visit  Petra, the most visited site in Jordan and an archeological wonder. This ancient city can only be reached by foot, golfcart, or horseback through a narrow defile or "Siq" flanked by towering cliffs.  Talk about photo opportunities! How dramatic the view will be of the "Red Rose City" and its most spectacular monument, the "Khaznah". You will also see the gigantic "Deir" of the Monastery  (for those who are physically able to do a moderate climb) and the Roman styled palace tomb carved in rock.   We hop back in our coach and off we go to Amman for an overnight in the beautiful Kempinski Amman Hotel.  Dinner at the hotel. 
5 Star Luxury Hotel in Amman, Jordan| Kempinski Hotel Amman
Day 7 - September 17, 2024
To the Promised Land / Madaba / Mt. Nebo / Cross to Israel / Tiberias
Enjoy a great breakfast at your hotel. Then we drive to Madaba where we visit the site of the ancient Byzantine era mosaic map of the Holy Land!  This map dates back to 527 - 565 AD and is surprisingly accurate.  Then on to Mount Nebo. This is the mountain that Moses climbed and surveyed the Promised Land.  Our motor coach takes us to the top (no need to climb this one) where we have such a beautiful scenic vista with miles and miles in sight. It is said that Moses also died on Mount Nebo. Next stop, ISRAEL! We cross into Israel via the Allenby bridge, At this location we will say goodbye to our Jordanian guide and bus,  and make our way to Jericho! This is the world's oldest city, conquered by Joshua.  From Jericho, we can look up and see the Mount of Temptation.  As per the Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke, this is where it wis said the from "a high place" the devil offered Jesus rule over all the kingdoms of the world. We continue our journey to Tiberias . Enjoy dinner at the hotel. Overnight Tiberias.
Day 8 - September 18, 2024
Jaffa/ Caesarea / Mt. Carmel / Megiddo
Enjoy breakfast at your hotel. To the coach! First stop Caesarea Maritima (Acts 9:30 Acts 10:24 -48) which was the center of early Christians, and capital of Judea under the Romans. Visit the excavations of this ancient city, the Roman theatre and aqueduct, here where Paul made his defense before Festus and King Agrippa prior to his final journey to Rome (Acts 25-26). We'll stop at Mount Carmel (Muchraka), where Elijah issued his challenge to the False Prophets (1 Kings 18:16-24). We continue and enjoy a breath-taking panoramic view of Haifa Bay and the Western Galilee region. Continue to Megiddo (Joshua 12:21, 1 Kings 9:15, 2 Kings 23:29 and Revelation 16:16), the site of Armageddon (Revelation 16) where it is prophesied the gathering of the armies for the end of times will take place. See the remains from Solomon’s days, view the valley where the Battle of Armageddon will be fought (Revelation16:14-16). Visit the archaeological excavations at Megiddo, including the well-preserved water supply system. Continue along the Jezerel Valley to visit the town of Nazareth (Luke 1:26, Luke 4:16, Luke 4:29 & Matthew 2:23) we will take a beautiful view from the top of Mount Precipice, also known as Mount of Precipitation, or Mount of the Leap of the Lord. It's believed to be the site of the rejection of Jesus (Luke 4:29 Luke 4:30), continue to the Basilica of Annunciation the church and site that celebrates the news from Gabriel that Mary would give birth to Jesus (Luke 1). If time permits, and we'll drive to Cana of Galilee where Jesus performed his first public miracle, the turning of water into wine at the wedding feast (John 2:1 John 2:11), and the Lower Galilee region to the beautiful Sea of Galilee . Dinner and overnight at the Tiberias hotel.
Caesarea Maritima | City by the Sea - Israel Advantage Tours, Inc.
Day 9 - September 19, 2024
Magdala / Jesus Boat / Golan Heights
Enjoy breakfast at your hotel. We begin this Holy Land touring day with a visit to Magdala (Matthew 15:39), known as the home of Mary Magdalene. Here we'll explore a first century Jewish city where Jesus healed the afflicted, and the oldest excavated synagogue in the Galilee from the time of Jesus' ministry where He surely taught.  After, we board a wooden boat and sail on the Sea of Galilee for a time of praise and worship. This is where Jesus calmed the storm (Luke 8:22-25), and where He walked on water (Mark 6:47-52). It was here along the shores of the Sea of Galilee where Jesus appeared for a third time after being raised from the dead, and asked his disciples to throw their net to the right side of the boat and they caught many fish. This is where the Lord made the disciples breakfast (John 21). We'll dock at Kibbutz Nof Ginosar and visit the "Ancient Jesus Boat" . This is the actual remains of a 2,000 year old boat that was discovered in 1986. This boat was used at the time of Jesus and his disciples. We will drive to the beautiful Golan Heights where you will visit Mt. Bental we explore the remaining Syrian bunkers and trenches captured by Israelis in the 1967 Six-Day War. Dinner and overnight at the Tiberias hotel.
Day 10 - September 20, 2024
Jordan River / Mt. of Beatitudes / Tabgha / Capernaum / Beit Shean / Jerusalem
After breakfast head towards Tabgha  to visit the Church of the Loaves and Fishes.  This is where Jesus performed the miracle of the multiplication of the fishes and loaves and fed thousands. Then, the church of the primacy of St. Peter. Next, we drive to the Mount of Beatitudes where Jesus is believed to have delivered the Sermon on the Mount.  From the Mount of Beatitudes you will head to visit Capernaum where Jesus spent the significant Galilean Ministry years and where he performed many miracles.  We then journey through the Valley of Beit Shean to the ancient city of Beit Shean (Mark 5:20, Mark 7:31) to view the ancient archeological site. It was here that after defeating Saul and his sons on Mount Gilboa, the Philistines hanged their bodies on the walls of Beth Shean (2 Samuel 21:12-14). On to your hotel in the Jerusalem for dinner & overnight.
Day 11 - September 21, 2024
Dead Sea / Masada / Qumran / Judean Desert / Jerusalem
Enjoy breakfast at your hotel. This morning you will drive to Qumran.  It is best known as the settlement nearest to the caves in which the Dead Sea Scrolls were hidden in the sheer desert cliffs and beneath the marl terrace.  Continue to Masada (Hebrew הדצמ, pronounced Metzada ). This is an ancient fortification in the Southern District of Israel on top of an isolated rock plateau (akin to a mesa) on the eastern edge of the Judaean Desert overlooking the Dead Sea. We take a nifty tram ride to the top, and there you will walk among the remnants of King Herods fortress.  Drive back to your hotel in Jerusalem for dinner and overnight.
Day 12 - September 22, 2024
Jerusalem /  Temple Mount / Mount of Olives / Kidron Valley / Garden of Gethsemane / Western Wall (Kotel Tunnel) / Pool of Bethesda / Church of Holy Sepulcher / Via Dolorosa
Start your day with a hearty breakfast at your hotel. Our first site will be at an overlook with a beautiful panoramic view of Jerusalem. Photo opportunities galore.  Next, we walk the Palm Sunday walkway through the Mount of Olives where Jesus wept over Jerusalem (Luke 19:41-42).   Along the way we encounter the Chapel of Ascension and the Pater Noster, the Church of Dominus Flevit.  We end our walk at the and the Garden of Gethsemane as we reflect on the massive sacrifice Jesus made for us. This is where He underwent the agony of knowing his demise and was eventually arrested before his crucifixion.  Then off we go to the old city of Jerusalem to visit the Western Wall (also known as the Wailing Wall). Pray amongst the many at the wall and embed your written prayer in a crack in the wall.   We will get to the Church of the Holy Sepulcher which is one of the TWO sites in Jerusalem where it is believed Golgotha once stood. We will walk the Via Dolorosa and wind our way through the Old City on ancient cobblestone streets. What a great opportunity to absorb the culture of the city - the people, the sounds, the smells. We will get to see the Pool of Bethesda where Jesus performed the miracle healing of the paraplegic (John Chapter 5). Next door is the Church of St. Anne where we can take the opportunity to belt out a hymn as the church offers outstanding acoustics. We end our day with a tasty dinner and overnight at our hotel in Jerusalem.
Day 13 - September 23, 2024
Bethlehem / Church of the Nativity / Shepherds Field / Mt. Zion / Upper Room / King David's Tomb / Jewish Quarter / Garden Tomb
Enjoy Breakfast at your hotel. Off we go to Bethlehem to visit the Church of the Nativity where it is believed was the birth site of Jesus! We will then venture to the Shepherds Field where an angel announced the birth of Jesus.  Back on the bus, and we will drive to Mt Zion outside of the Western Wall to learn about the City of David.  As a matter of fact, we will visit King David's Tomb. We will walk through the Jewish Quarter with ancient streets lined with shops and artisans. We will end our day with  communion service at the Garden Tomb, which is the second site where it is believed Golgatha stood. Let us absorb the astounding pilgrimage and reflect on our walk in the footsteps of Jesus. 
Day 14 - September 24, 2024
Today is the official end of our pilgrimage as we depart for the USA.
PLEASE NOTE: this is an approximate itinerary.  We will get to all of the sites listed, but it may be in a different order depending on traffic, weather, etc.
What's included in this trip:
  • Trip Hosts - Chaplain Robert & Dyan Cote. It's our pleasure to make this trip enjoyable and fulfilling for each and every one of you. It is our desire to enable you to relax so your mind is open and prepared to partake of this life changing pilgrimage. How significant as we experience the geography of where stalwarts of the Old Testament, such as Abraham and Moses traversed AND walking in the footsteps of Jesus!
  • 4* hotel accommodations
  • Luxury Coach transportation
  • English speaking guides and courteous drivers to serve you EXCEPT on your free times
  • Breakfast and dinner included at your hotels
  • All entrance fees/tickets
  • Tips for your Guide, Bus Driver, Bell Hops, and Wait Staff
  • Border crossing fee of $50.00 per person at Allenby
  • An expert English-speaking guide (certified by the Israeli Department of Tourism) will be with us throughout and will give us amazing insights into the history of the places we visit.
  • Three bottles of water per person per day on the coach.

What's not included in this trip:

  • AIRLINE TICKETS ARE NOT INCLUDED IN THIS FARE. We will book airline tickets as a group departing from and returning to Boston as soon as they are available which will be in November 2023. Anticipated budget for flights is $1000.00 to $1600.00 per person, economy class. 
  • Travel insurance is definitely optional, but highly recommended (we cannot stress highly enough).  This will give you coverage for medical and medical evacuation, and trip cancellation in the event of illness or injury or death of the passengers, or the passenger's immediate family. The price of the insurance floats with the age of the passenger and the price of the trip.  We will send a quote within one week of receiving your registration. If you decline the travel insurance, you will need to sign a waiver saying you have declined.
  • Lunch, except for the St. Peter's lunch
  •  Personal expenses such as laundry and soft drinks, souvenirs, spa treatments, any meals not mentioned in the itinerary, and any other services not mentioned.
  • Tips for the owners of camels, donkeys and any other desert animals that you may ride.  Please bring singles ($1.00 bills) with you for tips for your shepherds.
  • Drinking water over and above 3 bottles per person per day whilst on the coach.

Available Packages

Price per person if DOUBLE OCCUPANCY. Click the Single Occupancy Fee below under Add Extra Options if you are not sharing a hotel room.
Unavailable as of December 31, 2023

Deposit: $500.00 per person

SELECT TRAVELERS in the box above.
If your screen is not advancing when you click continue, scroll UP to the top of the registration  add the number of passengers in the SELECT TRAVELERS box.
These rates are subject to change in case of catastrophic rises in fuel costs or other drastic economic conditions.



Extra Options

Single Occupancy Fee - if there is only one person staying in the hotel rooms.
Unavailable as of December 31, 2023


These rates are subject to change upon a catastrophic fuel price increase or other drastic economic factors.