- You have the most flexibility outside of 120 days before your departure date. If you're booking at this time, you have a 7-day grace period to request a full refund on your deposit and any other payments made. Refunds will be issued to your original form of payment.
- After the grace period (but still before the 120-day mark), you can receive a full refund on any payments, not including your deposit. For your deposit, you can request a Future Voyage Credit at this time.
- From 119 days up to 45 days from your departure date, your available options are:
- At 44 days from your departure date: All funds paid are final. But you do have the option to transfer, sell, or otherwise have someone go in your place up to 48 hours before your Voyage.
Note: the date of departure means the date the arrangements you have booked through us start. So if you booked a flight or hotel add-on to your Voyage, it is the day the first add-on begins. Conversely, It may be your Voyage sail date if that is the only thing you booked with us. The sail date is the date the ship, on the Voyage portion of your holiday, departs the port of embarkation.
Individual cancellation policies apply at the Guest level for any individual cancellation within a cabin.
Depending on the reason for cancellation, you may be able to reclaim any unrefunded money (less any applicable excess) under the terms of your travel insurance policy. Claims must be made directly to your insurance company. As always, we recommend you purchase travel insurance.
Where any cancellation reduces the number of full-paying party members below the number on which the price, number of free places, and/or any concessions agreed for your booking were based, we will recalculate these items and re-invoice you at the applicable higher price.
Cancellations shall be deemed effective at 11:59 p.m. local East Coast United States time on the date the Guest communicates such cancellation.
Per person, taxes and fees will be refunded to the credit card on file.
We may have special and/or limited booking or cancellation policies in place for limited times, so click here or the “Offer Terms and Conditions” link below.
At that time, the advisor will merge the bookings to merge the two bookings together, which will move them both into a single trip with dual occupancy pricing and place the extra room back into your inventory. Each person must pick the same room category with the same number of nights in the hotel stay.
A: Yes. A passport is required for this cruise. If you do not have the appropriate documentation, you will be denied entry, and any applicable fees are not covered by travel insurance. Passports must be valid for at least 6 months beyond your return trip for international travel.
Check the USA State Department's website for all applicable travel advisories
Check your destination's official governmental health ministry website for the latest entry, testing, and in-destination self-isolation requirements and complete all pre-travel items and preparation.
A: Please note that except for wine and champagne, all guests are prohibited from bringing alcohol onboard our ships. If you purchase any alcohol at one of our ports of call or in our onboard shops, we will safely store your purchase(s), and either on the final night of the cruise or the morning of debarkation, it will be available for pick up in a designated area.
Cancellation and Interruption
Cancellation Only
Interruption Only
Know you’ll be hitting the bar on board? Pre-pay for your Bar Tab and you can get up an extra $25 more to spend on drinks to share at any of our bars or restaurants.
Future you is going to be very, very happy (and popular).
Know you’ll be hitting the bar on board? Pre-pay for your Bar Tab and you can get up an extra $50 more to spend on drinks to share at any of our bars or restaurants.
Future you is going to be very, very happy (and popular).
Know you’ll be hitting the bar on board? Pre-pay for your Bar Tab and you can get up an extra $100 more to spend on drinks to share at any of our bars or restaurants.
Future you is going to be very, very happy (and popular).