Meet & Greet
Jamrock Welcome Party
Bamboo Rafting
Boat Party
Jamaica Nightlife / Club
Beach Day
Jamaica City Tour
Sunday Funday Pool Party
Ricks Cafe
Jamaica is a girls-only trip. Travelers from all walks of life will be joining us. You WILL meet likeminded travelers, even if you have nothing else in common, you will share a unique bond and a love for Jamaica. Most travelers are solo women who want to meet up with others and have a great time.
Are flights included ?
No, because people come from everywhere on these trips I do not include them. This way clients can use credits, credit cards, miles, buddy passes, etc on their flights.
After the deposit is made, when do I make my payments ?
After the deposit, for the month of December because of the holidays, No payment will be required. (Unless you want to pay) After that $500 will be due in January (rahter you pay $250 every two weeks or $500 at one time before the month of Januray is over. Then the remaining balance is due March 14th. Please plan out payments according so they all can be made.
If I get a shared room, who will be my roomate ?
If you come with a friend, sister, mom (etc) and you both purchased a shared room. I will 100% put you all in the same room. However if you are a solo traveler, I will ask each person who purchased a shared room a few questions to try to match you guys up the best way possible.
How many woman will be on the trip ?
For this trip It will be 12 ladies, 11 of you guys plus me !
Whats next after I book ?
Ill make a Group Chat after all slots are filled to start a conversation for the group.
Do I have to look a certian way ?
Of course not, Dream Travel Welcomes ALL woman from any race, shape, size, color, style, etc. As long as you come with the vibes we want you there.
How long do I have to book ?
Booking will be open until all slots are filled.
What time should I be in Jamaica on the day of arrival?
So because we have transportation included, we ask that everyone books a flight that lands in Montego bay, by 3pm on April 3rd. We will have transportation pick us up as a group at
3:00-3:30pm to take us to the villa.
Do I need a passport ?
Yes, because Jamaica is out of the country you will need a passport, however you won't need it until the day of depature.
What if im not a people person, Can I still come ?
I reccommed you don't, just becuase this trip is all about bonding, having fun and meeting people you dont know and I wouldnt want you uncomfortable. Im expecting nothing but fun, entergetic, happy, girls girls to have a great time!
This is for my girls that are a little more open and just coming to have a good time, while if your coming with someone ill make sure you guys share a room if you both pick this option, but if your coming solo this will be your chance to meet some of the other ladies and grow a friendship. Ill make sure to do a compatibility test to be sure you're roomed with someone like you. This room has two beds and you guys will share a restroom.
This is for my girls that are a little more open and just coming to have a good time, while if your coming with someone ill make sure you guys share a room if you both pick this option, but if your coming solo this will be your chance to meet some of the other ladies and grow a friendship. Ill make sure to do a compatibility test to be sure you're roomed with someone like you. This room has two beds and you guys will share a restroom.