Your travel documents will be emailed to you once full payment is received. Please check them carefully to ensure that all the information is correct and passenger names exactly match your Proof of Citizenship. If you discover an error, please contact your travel advisor immediately at
Proper documentation is YOUR responsibility. The following information is based on current requirements for U.S. citizens at time of publication. This information may change- see your travel advisor or contact your destination consulate for the most current requirements on your travel date.
Passengers returning to the U.S. by air from any international destination must have a valid passport, and may be denied boarding by the airline if the passport is damaged, mutilated, or has excessive wear. A “Passport Card” is not acceptable. If your name on your passport (or for non-U.S. citizens, “valid travel documents”) does not match your name on your travel documentation, you will not be allowed to travel. A passport valid for up to 6 months past the date of completed travel is required when traveling internationally. Married or divorced women traveling under names other than what is printed on their travel documents must supply a marriage license and/or divorce decree. If you are not a U.S. citizen, contact your destination’s consulate or embassy to determine required entry documents.
Passports are NOT required for travel within the continental U.S., Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. However, travel to these U.S. destinations/ U.S. territories requires a valid state/government-issued picture I.D. or valid state-issued driver’s license. Beginning May 7, 2025, your valid state/government-issued picture I.D. or valid state-issued driver’s license must be compliant with the Real ID ACT in order to board domestic flights and access certain federal facilities. Visit for more information. If it is not compliant, visit for alternate forms of acceptable ID.
Any passenger who is denied boarding due to lack of proper documentation will have their vacation canceled. Failure to comply with the above requirements will result in you not being allowed to travel and no refund will be given.
Certain countries may deny entry to travelers with even a minor criminal record, and if not a U.S. citizen, entry back into the U.S. Check with the U.S. Embassy and the embassy or consulate of the country being visited to ensure you can travel as planned. Apple Vacations does not accept responsibility if you are denied entry and cancellation penalties apply.