Initial Deposit | $200 Per Person | Deposit Amount Will Increase After January 1, 2023 |
2nd Deposit: February 15, 2024 | $1000 Per Person | Guests Must have $1,000 Paid Towards Their Experience By February 15, 2024. |
Final Balance Due: May 1, 2024 | Remaining Balance |
What’s Included In Your Package
Cancellation Policy
The following terms and conditions can be what you expect from us. All payments including but not limited to Deposits, Trip Payments, Travel Insurance, and Fees, are non-refundable and are not able to be transferred to any other person or trip under any circumstance without any exception. If final payments are not received by the due date your trip will be cancelled, and all payments forfeit. All cancellations and changes must be requested in writing to If a valid charge is disputed after any payment is made, you will be contacted in a good faith effort to rectify the situation, but should the client be unwilling to notify the financial institution of the invalid dispute, you will be terminated as a client immediately, refused any future service by Travel Antics, and may face legal action.
***Package includes the components listed above. Price excludes airfare, travel protection, additional excursions, and items of a personal nature. Valid passport books are required for international travel, Covid-19 protocols may apply. ***