Our focus with any gathering is to test our personal limits in regards to healthy risk-taking. By redefining what we consider "risky," we can discover new heights and break glass ceilings that we thought were impenetrable. Be it extreme sports or deeper human connections, risk ultimately varies to each of us and lies on a spectrum. Our goal is to create a transformative trip filled with moments of awe-inducing adventure, cultural connections, personal development and celebration.
We are truly grateful for our partnership with the Adaptive Sports Association! They offer full scholarships for VA-rated disabled veterans to cover the costs of gear, lessons and lift tickets for all three days!
If you need additional financial support, please complete the LiboRisk Scholarship Application for additional help.
REFUNDS: Organizer understands that plans can change and the Participant’s retreat may have to wait. While the Organizer cannot transfer or allow for substitutions, we can help you with a refund. If Participants need to cancel, please email us at info@libo-risk.com to let us know as soon as possible, so we can send you a LiboRisk Retreat Cancellation Form and process a refund appropriately. Refunds will be processed as follows:
Within one week of registration: Tickets are 100% refundable
Nine weeks before the retreat: We'll refund 50% of your registration fee.
Six weeks before the retreat: All tickets are non-refundable.
This policy is subject to change; all registered participants will be notified of any changes. The Organizer shall not be responsible for any additional fees paid by Guest to any third parties, such as travel companies, airfare, etc.
Refunds do NOT include the non-refundable deposit of $250.