Travel Advisor:

Endless Vacation & Tours

04: Cruise Inquiry Form

Terms & Conditions:

We are Endless Vacation & Tours  and are excited to help you with your travel. The following terms & conditions (the "Agreement")  describe what you can expect from us. The terms "we", "us", and "our" refer to Endless Vacation & Tours  and the term "you" refers to the individual who signs this agreement.


This Client Agreement ("Agreement") is entered into between Endless Vacation & Tours and the undersigned client ("Client") for the purpose of outlining the terms and conditions related to the trip planning services provided by Endless Vacation & Tours.
Trip Planning Fee: Client acknowledges and agrees to pay $100 retainer planning fee upfront to Endless Vacation & Tours. This fee is required to initiate the planning process for the client's travel booking inquiry. Failure to pay the trip planning fee will result in the cancellation of the inquiry, and Endless Vacation & Tours will not provide any quotes or further assistance.
Covered Services: The trip planning fee covers a comprehensive range of services for the client's chosen destination, including but not limited to:
  • Recommendations of 2 hotel options
  • Arrangement of round trip airfare
  • Facilitation of in-destination transfers
  • Provision of destination entry/exit protocols
  • Assistance with departure and return flight check-in
  • Planning of activities and itinerary
  • On-going support during the travel period
Non-Refundable Fee: Client acknowledges that the trip planning fee is non-refundable. This fee compensates Endless Vacation & Tours for the time and effort invested in creating a personalized travel itinerary for the client.

By signing below, Client confirms their agreement and understanding of the terms and conditions stated in this Agreement. Client acknowledges that any failure to comply with these terms may result in the cancellation of the booking inquiry and forfeiture of the trip planning fee.

Click to sign