Brian Brostko

Let's Travel .Expert

16 Candles Mexico Group 2025

Jan 22, 2025 to Jan 27, 2025

I do NOT want travel insurance

By completing and submitting this form you hereby acknowledge that you have been offered the opportunity to purchase travel insurance by LetsTravel.Expert and have decided to decline this option. You also acknowledge that by doing so  cannot be held responsible for any consequences that arise as a result of not having purchased the travel insurance we have offered. 

I have also been advised that by declining insurance I will be solely responsible for any and all fees if a cancellation, interruption, or delay occurs, no matter what the reason is. I understand that no refunds will be issued for a reduction in room category, the number of nights, or the number of people in my party. I further understand that by declining insurance, I will also not be able to recoup these losses via credit card dispute. I understand that I will be charged a $500.00 fee for any chargeback dispute. I have chosen to decline coverage and release LetsTravel.Expert from any and all claims.

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