Embedded forms must require the client's name and email. We have added/required these fields for you.

This program only applies to our prepackaged group tours. 

Only your name, email address and personal note will be exchanged with other solo travelers who have booked this same tour departure. This guarantees that only legitimate, paid travelers may use this service. However, you are nonetheless sharing your information with strangers and should only proceed if you are comfortable doing so. 

Once you find a roommate, or if at any time you decide that you want to opt out of the program, you may immediately unsubscribe and your name will be removed from the program and all future emails that go to solo travelers. 

We provide this "Roommate Matching" feature as a service to our clients. However, we cannot guarantee you will find a suitable roommate or that you will get along with a roommate you select. Rooming with a stranger can be a challenge, even when both of you try hard to get along. In order to avoid problems that could spoil your vacation, take time to get to know your prospective roommate before you commit to sharing a room. You take full responsibility for your choice of roommate. 
We will not be held liable for any costs or complications arising from an unpleasant roommate situation. Once your trip begins, separating into single rooms may not be possible, or will incur additional expenses for both of you. 

You will remain booked as a solo traveler and be liable for any single occupancy fees if a) you do not find a roommate; b) you find a roommate, but do not contact us before the final payment due date to inform us that you'd like to room with somebody; or c) your roommate cancels his or her booking prior to travel.  

This program may ONLY be used for our travelers to contact each other for the purposes of finding a roommate. This is not a dating service. If you feel that anybody is using it inappropriately, please contact us immediately. Misuse of this program is taken very seriously and may result in cancellation of a traveler's booking and forfeiture of their deposit, at our sole discretion. 

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